DWDM Unit-2

Lecture -1

What Is a DataWarehouse?

A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process”.

Key Features are:-

1.      Subject-oriented: A data warehouse is organized around major subjects, such as customer, supplier, product, and sales. Rather than concentrating on the day-to-day operations and transaction processing of an organization, a data warehouse focuses on the modeling and analysis of data for decision makers
2.      Integrated: A data warehouse is usually constructed by integrating multiple different types of sources, such as relational databases, flat files, and on-line transaction records. Data cleaning and data integration techniques are applied to ensure consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, attribute measures, and so on.

3.      Time-variant: Data are stored to provide information from a historical perspective (e.g., the past 5–10 years). Every key structure in the data warehouse contains, an element of time.

4.      Nonvolatile: A data warehouse is always a physically separate store of data

Advantages of Data Warehouse:-
Many organizations use this information to support business decision-making activities, including:-

(1) Increasing customer focus, which includes the analysis of customer buying patterns

 (2) Relocating products and managing product portfolios by comparing the performance of sales by quarter, by year, and by geographic regions in order to fine tune production strategies;

 (3) Analyzing operations and looking for sources of profit;

(4) Managing the customer relationships, making environmental corrections, and managing the cost of corporate assets.

Data Warehouse vs. Heterogeneous DBMS

  1. Traditional heterogeneous DB : A query driven approach
n  Build wrappers/mediators on top of heterogeneous databases
n  When a query is posed to a client site, a meta-dictionary is used to translate the query into queries appropriate for individual heterogeneous sites involved, and the results are integrated into a global answer set
n  Complex information filtering, compete for resources
  1. Data warehouse: update-driven, high performance
n  Information from heterogeneous sources is integrated in advance and stored in warehouses for direct query and analysis.

Relationship  between OLTP , OLAP, Data warehouse

Ø  The major task of on-line operational database systems is to perform on-line transaction and query processing. These systems are called on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems. They cover most of the day-to-day operations of an organization, such as purchasing, inventory, manufacturing, banking, payroll, registration, and accounting.
Ø  Data warehouse systems, on the other hand, serve users or knowledge workers in the role of data analysis and decision making. Such systems can organize and present data in various formats in order to accommodate the diverse needs of the different users. These systems are known as on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems.

What is the Difference Between OLAP and OLTP?
A data warehouse is a database containing data that usually represents the business history of an organization. This historical data is used for analysis that supports business decisions at many levels, from strategic planning to performance evaluation of a discrete organizational unit. Data in a data warehouse is organized to support analysis rather than to process real-time transactions as in online transaction processing systems (OLTP).
OLAP technology enables data warehouses to be used effectively for online analysis, providing rapid responses to iterative complex analytical queries. OLAP's multidimensional data model and data aggregation techniques organize and summarize large amounts of data so it can be evaluated quickly using online analysis and graphical tools. The answer to a query into historical data often leads to subsequent queries as the analyst searches for answers or explores possibilities. OLAP systems provide the speed and flexibility to support the analyst in real time.



n  A data warehouse is based on a multidimensional data model which views data in the form of a data cube as 3D,4D,nD .
n  A data cube, such as sales, allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions
n  Dimension tables are entities, such as item (item_name, brand, type), or time(day, week, month, quarter, year)
n  Fact table contains measures (such as dollars_sold)
n   Multidimensional data model is typically organized around a central theme, like sales, for instance. This theme is represented by a fact table. Facts are numerical measures.
n  Example:-sales of a company


              2 dimensions

Ø  3-D
Example of a 3-D view of sales data with dimension: Item, time, location
Fact is sales (dollar_sold)

n  In data warehousing literature, an n-D base cube is called a base cuboid. The top most 0-D cuboid, which holds the highest-level of summarization, is called the apex cuboid.  The lattice of cuboids forms a data cube.

Ø  4-D and higher dimensions.

Viewing things in 4-d is difficult. We can think 4-d as series of 3-D cube.So for n-D data as a series we can derive it as (n-1)-D cubes.

<<Derivation discussed in Class>>


Schemas for Multidimensional Databases

Multidimensional model can be further divided into:- star schema, a snowflake schema, or a fact constellation schema.

Star schema: The most common modeling paradigm is the star schema, in which the data warehouse contains :-
(1) A large central table (fact table) containing the bulk of the data, with no redundancy,
(2) A set of smaller dimension tables, one for each dimension.

The schema graph resembles a starburst, with the dimension tables displayed in a radial pattern around the central fact table.

Snowflake schema: The snowflake schema is a variant of the star schema model
1.      Dimension tables are normalized, thereby further splitting the data into additional tables. The resulting schema graph forms a shape similar to a snowflake.
2.      A large central table (fact table)
3.      1:m(fact:dim)

Q) Differentiate Between Star and Snowflake schema. Also suggest which is better and why?

The major difference between the snowflake and star schema models is that the dimension tables of the snowflake model may be kept in normalized form to reduce redundancies. Such a table is easy to maintain and saves storage space. However, this saving of space is negligible in comparison to the typical magnitude of the fact table. Furthermore, the snowflake structure can reduce the effectiveness of browsing, since more joins will be needed to execute a query. Consequently, the system performance
may be adversely impacted. Hence, although the snowflake schema reduces redundancy, it is not as popular as the star schema in data warehouse design.

Fact constellation(m:n) Sophisticated applications may require multiple fact tables to share dimension tables. This kind of schema can be viewed as a collection of stars, and hence is called a galaxy schema or a fact constellation.

Application areas of these Schema’s:-where to use which schema?

  • A data warehouse collects information about subjects that span the entire organization, such as customers, items, sales, assets, and personnel, and thus its scope is enterprise-wide. For data warehouses, the fact constellation schema is commonly used, since it can model multiple, interrelated subjects.

  • A data mart, on the other hand, is a department subset of the data warehouse that focuses on selected subjects, and thus its scope is departmentwide. For data marts, the star or snowflake schema are commonly used, since both are geared toward modeling single subjects, although the star schema is more popular and efficient.


Data warehouses and data marts can be defined using two language primitives, one for cube definition and one for dimension definition.

 The cube definition statement has the following syntax:
define cube <cube name> [dimension list]: <measure list>

The dimension definition statement has the following syntax:
define dimension <dimension name>as <attribute or dimension list>

Ø  Cube Definition
define cube sales star [time, item, branch, location]:
dollars sold = sum(sales in dollars), units sold = count(*)

Ø  Dimension Definition
define dimension time as (time key, day, day of week, month, quarter, year)
define dimension item as (item key, item name, brand, type, supplier type)
define dimension branch as (branch key, branch name, branch type)
define dimension location as (location key, street, city, province or state,country)


Concept Hierarchies-A dimension can be further categorized from a set of low level concept to high level concept. This is called Concept Hierarchy.

Consider a concept hierarchy for the dimension location.
City values for location include Vancouver, Toronto, NewYork,and Chicago. Each city, however, can be mapped to the province or state to which it belongs.  These mappings form a concept hierarchy for the dimension location, mapping a set of low-level concepts (i.e., cities) to higher-level, more general concepts (i.e., countries).

Typical OLAP Operations(refer to pg 124 for diagram)-v v imp

1.      Roll up (drill-up): It is used to summarize data by climbing up hierarchy or by dimension reduction . When roll-up is performed by dimension reduction, one or more dimensions are removed from the given cube

2.      Drill down (roll down): It is reverse of roll-up .We move from higher level summary to lower level summary or detailed data, or introducing new dimensions. Because a drill-down adds more detail to the given data, it can also be performed by adding new dimensions to a cube.

3.      Slice (select): The slice operation performs a selection on one dimension of the given cube.

4.      dice: (project): The dice operation defines a sub cube by performing a selection on two or more dimensions.

5.      Pivot (rotate): reorient the cube, change the dimensions and visualization, 3D to series of 2D planes

<Solved all exercise examples related to OLAP OPERATIONS in class>

Data Warehouse Architecture

Business Analysis Framework:

Four different views regarding the design of a data warehouse must be considered for

Ø  The top-down view allows the selection of the relevant information necessary for the data warehouse. This information matches the current and future business needs.

Ø  The data source view exposes the information being captured, stored, and managed by operational systems. This information may be documented at various levels of detail   and accuracy, from individual data source tables to integrated data source tables.

Ø  The data warehouse view includes fact tables and dimension tables. It represents the information that is stored inside the data warehouse, including pre calculated totals and counts, as well as information regarding the source, date, and time of origin, added to provide historical context.

Ø   Finally, the business query view is the perspective of data in the data warehouse from
             the viewpoint of the end user.

The Process of Data Warehouse Design:

Ø  There are two Approaches For Data warehouse Design- Top-down, bottom-up approaches or a combination of both
n  Top-down: Starts with overall design and planning and used where technology is mature and well known.
n  Bottom-up: Starts with experiments and prototypes .It is a rapid approach and used for new and risky business applications.

Ø  From software engineering point of view:
n  Waterfall: structured and systematic analysis at each step before proceeding to the next
n  Spiral: rapid generation of increasingly functional systems, short turnaround time, quick turnaround.

Steps For Data warehouse design process:

Because data warehouse construction is a difficult and long-term task, its implementation scope should be clearly defined. The goals of an initial data warehouse implementation should be specific, achievable, and measurable(SAM).

Data Warehouse: A Multi-Tiered Architecture


  1. It is a warehouse database server. It contains Data Warehouse Back-End Tools and Utilities.
  2. The backend tools and utilities perform ETL (Extraction,Tranformation,Loading)process.
  3. Data extraction-get data from multiple, heterogeneous, and external sources
  4. Data cleaning-detect errors in the data and rectify them when possible
  5. Data transformation-convert data from old format to warehouse format
  6. Load-Sort, summarizes, consolidate, compute views, check integrity.
  7. Refresh-propagate the updates from the data sources to the warehouse.

This bottom tier also contains Metadata Repository

  1.  Meta data is the data defining warehouse objects.  It stores: Description of the structure of the data warehouse like schema, view, dimensions, hierarchies, derived data definition, data mart locations and contents
  2. It also contains Operational meta-data like old data  (history of migrated data and transformation path), currency of data (active, archived, or purged), monitoring information (warehouse usage statistics, error reports, audit trails)
  3. The algorithms used for summarization
  4. The mapping from operational environment to the data warehouse
  5. Data related to system performance, warehouse schema, view and derived data definitions
  6. Business data-business terms and definitions, ownership of data, charging policies


OLAP Servers Give Users Multidimensional Data From Data warehouse Or data Marts. Types of OLAP servers are:
n  Relational OLAP (ROLAP) –intermediate servers
a)      Use relational or extended-relational DBMS to store and manage warehouse data and OLAP middle ware
b)      Include optimization of DBMS backend, implementation of aggregation, navigation logic, and additional tools and services
c)      Greater scalability than MOLAP.
n  Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
a)      They support multidimensional views of data through array-based multidimensional storage engine.
b)      They map multidimensional views to data cube directly.
c)      They are Fast indexing to pre-computed summarized data
n  Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) (e.g., Microsoft SQLServer)
a)      Flexibility, e.g., low level: relational, high-level: array
n  Specialized SQL servers (e.g., Redbricks)
a)      Specialized support for SQL queries over star/snowflake schemas


Three Data Warehouse Models: Architecture point of views

  1. Enterprise warehouse
a)      collects all of the information about subjects spanning the entire organization
  1. Data Mart
a)       Subset of corporate-wide data that is of value to a specific groups of users.  Its scope is confined to specific, selected groups, such as marketing data mart
b)      Independent vs. dependent (directly from warehouse) data mart
  1. Virtual warehouse
a)      A set of views over operational databases
b)      Only some of the possible summary views may be materialized

What is the Recommended Approach used for development of a Data Warehouse?

What are the pros and cons of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to data warehouse development?
The top-down development of an enterprise warehouse serves as a systematic solution and minimizes integration problems. However, it is expensive, takes a long time to develop, and lacks flexibility due to the difficulty in achieving consistency and consensus for a common data model for the entire organization.

The bottom-up approach to the design, development, and deployment of independent data marts provides flexibility, low cost, and rapid return of investment. It, however, can lead to problems when integrating various disparate data marts into a consistent enterprise data warehouse.

A recommended method for the development of data warehouse systems is to implement the warehouse in an incremental and evolutionary manner.
  1. First, a high-level corporate data model is defined within a reasonably short period (such as one or two months) that provides a corporate-wide, consistent, integrated view of data among different subjects and potential usages
  2. Second, independent data marts can be implemented in parallel with the enterprise warehouse based on the same corporate data model set as above.
  3. Finally, a multitier data warehouse is constructed where the enterprise warehouse is the sole custodian of all warehouse data, which is then distributed to the various dependent data marts.


Ø  Efficient Data Cube Computation

Data cube can be viewed as a lattice of cuboids 
  1. The bottom-most cuboid is the base cuboid
  2. The top-most cuboid (apex) contains only one cell
  3. How many cuboids in an n-dimensional cube with L levels?


4.      Cube definition and computation in DMQL
define cube sales[item, city, year]: sum(sales_in_dollars)
compute cube sales
Transform it into a SQL-like language (with a new operator cube by, introduced by Gray et al.’96)
SELECT  item, city, year, SUM (amount)
                                         CUBE BY item, city, and year
5.      Need compute the following Group-Bys
(date, product, customer),
(date,product),(date, customer), (product, customer),
(date), (product), (customer)()

Ø  What are the Various Data Warehouse Usage?
n  Three kinds of data warehouse applications
1.      Information processing
a)      supports querying, basic statistical analysis, and reporting using crosstabs, tables, charts and graphs
2.      Analytical processing
a)      multidimensional analysis of data warehouse data
b)      supports basic OLAP operations, slice-dice, drilling, pivoting
3.      Data mining
a)      knowledge discovery from hidden patterns
b)      supports associations, constructing analytical models, performing classification and prediction, and presenting the mining results using visualization tools

From On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) to On Line Analytical Mining (OLAM)

What is OLAM and Why online analytical mining is important?

On-line analytical mining (OLAM) (also called OLAP mining) integrates on-line analytical processing (OLAP) with data mining and mining knowledge in multidimensional databases. Among the many different paradigms and architectures of data mining systems, OLAM is particularly important for the following reasons:
  1. High quality of data in data warehouses: Most data mining tools need to work on integrated, consistent, and cleaned data, which requires costly data cleaning,data integration, and data transformation as preprocessing steps. A data warehouse constructed by such preprocessing serves as a valuable source of high quality data for OLAP as well as for data mining.
  2. Available information processing infrastructure surrounding data warehouses: Comprehensive information processing and data analysis infrastructures have been or will be systematically constructed surrounding data warehouses
  3. OLAP-based exploratory data analysis: Effective data mining needs exploratory data analysis. A user will often want to traverse through a database, select portion of relevant data, analyze them at different granularities, and present knowledge/results in different forms.

Unit-2(last part)
Mining Frequent Patterns
What are Frequent patterns and why are they important in data mining?
Frequent patterns are patterns (such as itemsets, subsequences, or substructures) that appear in a data set frequently. For example, a set of items, such as milk and bread, that appear frequently together in a transaction data set is a frequent itemset.

Ø  Finding such frequent patterns plays an essential role in mining associations, correlations, and many other interesting relationships among data. Moreover, it helps in data classification, clustering, and other data mining tasks as well.

Ø  Frequent itemset mining leads to the discovery of associations and correlations among items in large transactional or relational data sets. With massive amounts of data continuously being collected and stored, many industries are becoming interested in mining such patterns from their databases. The discovery of interesting correlation relationships among huge amounts of business transaction records can help in many business decision-making processes, such as catalog design, cross-marketing, and customer shopping behavior analysis.

Market Basket Analysis

A typical example of frequent item set mining is market basket analysis. This process analyzes customer buying habits by finding associations between the different items that customers place in their “shopping baskets”

If we think of the universe as the set of items available at the store, then each item has a Boolean variable representing the presence or absence of that item. Each basket can then be represented by a Boolean vector of values assigned to these variables.
The Boolean vectors can be analyzed for buying patterns that reflect items that are frequently associated or purchased together. These patterns can be represented in the form of association rules. For example, the information that customers who purchase computers also tend to buy antivirus software at the same time is represented in

Association Rule below:
Computer->antivirus software [support = 2%; confidence = 60%]
Rule support and confidence are two measures of rule interestingness
Ø  Support 2% of all the transactions under analysis show that computer and antivirus software are purchased together.
Ø  A confidence of 60% means that 60% of the customers who purchased a computer also bought the software.
Ø  support(A)B) = P(AUB) )
Ø  confidence(A)B) = P(B/A)


Association rule mining can be viewed as a two-step process:

1. Find all frequent itemsets: By definition, each of these itemsets will occur at least asfrequently as a predetermined minimum support count, min sup.
2. Generate strong association rules from the frequent itemsets: By definition, these rules must satisfy minimum support and minimum confidence.

Efficient and Scalable Frequent Itemset Mining Methods
Apriori is a algorithm proposed by R. Agrawal and R. Srikant in 1994 for mining frequent itemsets for Boolean association rules. The name of the algorithm is based on the fact that the algorithm uses prior knowledge of frequent itemset properties.

The Apriori Algorithm

Ck: Candidate itemset of size k
Lk : frequent itemset of size k
L1 = {frequent items};
for (k = 1; Lk !=Æ; k++) do begin
     Ck+1 = candidates generated from Lk;
    for each transaction t in database do
       increment the count of all candidates in Ck+1                          
 that are contained in t
    Lk+1  = candidates in Ck+1 with min_support
return Èk Lk;

n  How to generate candidates?
n  Step 1: self-joining Lk
n  Step 2: pruning

All numerical discussed in class.

If the minimum confidence threshold is, say, 70%, then only the second, third, and last rules above are output, because these are the only ones generated that are strong.

Ways of Improving the Efficiency of Apriori

“How can we further improve the efficiency of Apriori-based mining?” Many variations of the Apriori algorithm have been proposed that focus on improving the efficiency of the original algorithm. Several of these variations are summarized as follows:

  1. Hash-based technique (hashing itemsets into corresponding buckets): A hash-based technique can be used to reduce the size of the candidate k-itemsets, Ck, for k > 1.

  1. Partitioning (partitioning the data to find candidate itemsets): A partitioning technique can be used that requires just two database scans to mine the frequent itemsets. It consists of two phases. In Phase I, the algorithm subdivides the transactions of D into n non overlapping partitions. If the minimum support threshold for transactions in D is min sup, then the minimum support count for a partition is min sup_the number of transactions in that partition. For each partition, all frequent itemsets within the partition are found. These are referred to as local frequent itemsets. The procedure employs a special data structure that, for each itemset, records the TIDs of the transactions containing the items in the itemset. This allows it to find all of the local frequent k-itemsets, for k = 1, 2, : : : , in just one scan of the database.

  1. Sampling (mining on a subset of the given data): The basic idea of the sampling approach is to pick a random sample S of the given data D, and then search for frequent itemsets in S instead of D.

FP-growth (finding frequent itemsets without candidate generation).
n  Find all frequent itemsets using FP Tree

M, O, N, K, E, Y
D, O, N, K , E, Y
M, A, K, E
M, U, C, K ,Y
C, O, O, K, I ,E

Y: KEMO:1  KEO:1  KY:1
             K:3     KY
O: KEM:1  KE:2
    KE:3           KO  EO  KEO
M: KE:2  K:1
    K:3  KM
E:  K:4            KE
Why FP growth is better than apriori algorithm?
  1. The FP-growth method transforms the problem of finding long frequent patterns to searching for shorter ones recursively and then concatenating the suffix. It uses the least frequent items as a suffix, offering good selectivity.
  2. The method substantially reduces the search costs. cannot fit in main memory.
  3. A study on the performance of the FP-growth method shows that it is efficient and scalable for mining both long and short frequent patterns, and is about an order of magnitude faster than the Apriori algorithm

From Association Analysis to Correlation Analysis
There are two methods of correlation analysis(Lift and Chi square)

  1. As we have seen above, the support and confidence measures are insufficient at filtering out uninteresting association rules. To tackle this weakness, a correlation measure can be used to augment the support-confidence framework for association rules. This leads to correlation rules of the form

A->B [support, confidence, correlation].
That is, a correlation rule is measured not only by its support and confidence but also by the correlation between itemsets A and B.

Lift is a simple correlation measure that is given as follows. The occurrence of itemset A is independent of the occurrence of itemset B if P(A UB) = P(A)P(B); otherwise, itemsets A and B are dependent and correlated as events. This definition can easily be extended to more than two itemsets. The lift between the occurrence of A and B can be measured by computing
If the resulting value of lift is less than 1, then the occurrence of A is negatively correlated with the occurrence of B. If the resulting value is greater than 1, then A and B are positively correlated, meaning that the occurrence of one implies the occurrence of the other. If the resulting value is equal to 1, then A and B are independent and there is no correlation between them.
Eg:-Calculate the lift value for the following.

From the table, we can see that the probability of purchasing a computer game is P(game) = 0:60, theprobability of purchasing a video is P(video) = 0:75, and the probability of purchasing both is P(game; video) = 0:40.),

The lift  is P(game, video)/(P(game)xP(video)) = 0:40/(0:60X0:75) = 0.89. Because this value is less than 1, there is a negative correlation between the occurrence of game and video.

  1. The second correlation measure that we study is the chi square measure,
To compute the chisquare value, we take the squared difference between the observed and expected value for a slot (A and B pair) in the contingency table, divided by the expected value.


  1. I had searched for many data warehouse consultant then I found your company to be the most effective service provider.

  2. Data warehouse architecture involves building the data warehouse in such a way that it collects and manages data efficiently. There are several layers involved in a data warehouse architecture. The highest layer is the interface. This refers to how the data warehouse communicates with the computer system. The second layer is the data environment. This refers to the database management system that stores the data warehouse. The lowest layer is the data. This refers to the raw data that is analyzed and stored in the database.

  3. DWDM Unit 2 is an indispensable segment, delving into the intricacies of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing. Why Can't Support It demystifies complex concepts, providing a solid foundation.




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